Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sorry, they can't all be gems

There were no car wrecks, no surgeries, no staph infections, and no treatment decisions today, so we thought we would be ready to run a marathon right now. However, for whatever reason we're really tired and flipping coins to see who has to write the blog update. So we apologize for the brevity and typos and will try to bring our "A" game back tomorrow. Or as our friend Norm used to say, "sorry, they can't all be gems."

Clara didn't have any problems today but also didn't show as much improvement as she did during the first 24 hours she received steroids. Her oxygen level is a little bit lower than it was yesterday but not she did not gain any weight. This round of steroids will run its course tomorrow afternoon and we'll have to wait until the weekend to see if she is able to keep a lower oxygen level and gain weight without juicing up. 

We also wanted to explain why we haven't had many pictures of Clara lately. After Clara tested positive for MRSA, she was moved to an isolated wing at Kosair. We have to wear gowns when visiting and there are strict rules about what you can bring in and out of her area. Unfortunately, we can't take pictures with a camera and then bring it out of the sterilized unit. We're working to find a way around this problem, but there will be far more pictures of Wilson until we do.

Wilson had another great day. He didn't need any help breathing and gained another ounce. He was born at 1 lb, 15oz and weighed 3 lbs, 14 oz today. He has gained almost two pounds in less than two months! (Ok, it is more impressive if you think of it as a percentage of his birth weight). You normally don't want the fattest kid in the nursery but we're hoping to take that prize.

Wilson looks like a burrito . . . a 3lb 14oz burrito!


  1. What a cute little burrito!! What amazing progress!

  2. love the pics. definitely provides perspective on clara's new digs

  3. We love baby burritos :) Wilson looks like he is doing wonderfully - so handsome. Still praying for more improvement for sweet Clara and for more uneventful days for Mom and Dad!
