Sorry for not posting yesterday. No need to worry, both babies are doing well. It was Mom and Dad who fell asleep before posting. There is no big news to report, which we are happy about! Yesterday Clara got another blood infusion and that really seemed to help her out today. By tomorrow, Clara and Wilson will each be up to 7cc of breast milk every 3 hours. We asked the doctor today how many cc's is the goal and, while there is some equation they use to figure it out, for Wilson it is 17. The feedings are a delicate balance of patience and persistence; they don't want to go too fast but, at the same time, it needs to be fast enough to help them gain weight.
Today they are 28 weeks old. It is interesting how the doctors talk about their age. They either say "day of life 13" or gestational age, 28 weeks. Once they are 40 weeks they are considered a "newborn". We think Wilson is starting to look more like a baby and less like a little hatchling. We will post a picture tomorrow along with the update on the heart and brain scans!
McGarvey group! Thank you so much for continuing to post about these babies and remind us all of those precious moments. I pray that the scans go well today. They have already grown in amazing ways! Chris, I hope you continue to heal as well. Blessings to all of you!