Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Brain Scan Results - Round 2

The brain scans came back with great news today! Both Clara and Wilson no longer have brain bleeds, the Grade 1 hemorrhage self corrected over the week!!! The next brain scan will be on day of life 30  - which is on July 22. It is still possible they could have a brain bleed if they have a very stressful experience between now and the next scan. For instance, if they have to go back on a ventilator or their blood pressure gets out of control.We will take the great news today and pray each day is stable.

There was no change in Clara's heart scan, which means she still has a PFO. The PFO is a concern because the blood should flow left to right and her blood is flowing left to right and right to left. The doctor feels pretty good this will self correct but wants to monitor it. She will have another scan next week. Wilson only has to have another heart scan sometime before we are discharged.

As we mentioned yesterday, Wilson is starting to look a little more like a newborn- here is a picture of him from this week.

Last night the nurse made Clara this adorable hat! She looked so sweet, we just had to share!
Tonight we went to see them and Clara started acting up! She gave us a scare because she wasn't breathing as well as she had been and her "stats" were all over the place. The doctor ordered x-rays of her stomach and blood work. Morgan told her to get well and we loved her and as he lifted the blanket on her isolette he saw this -
Who taught her this???!!!
We called to check on her before we went to bed and it turns out she just needed to have a good poop. They also upped her oxygen to 3 liter flow (she was on 2 liter) and she is doing much better. Ah, so it goes, life in the NICU. It is a bit of a set back to go to 3 liter flow but we'll take it if she is more stable, maybe it will put her in a better mood


  1. Great news on the kiddos!! They are adorable! Love, Love, Love that hat!!
    Kelly & Gary
