Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Clara and Wilson are one month old today. We took cake and birthday hats to the NICU, but the biggest present was for us. For the first time since being born, Clara and Wilson were together (briefly) again.

As it should be and hopefully will be soon.

We were going to post more pictures and provide a thorough recap of Clara and Wilson's first month, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. Unfortunately, we were in a pretty severe car wreck and had to go to the ER. Chris has several stitches in her hand and will consult with a hand surgeon tomorrow to see if there is any nerve damage. The car is most likely totaled, but other than stitches, some scrapes, bruises, and airbag burns, we are mostly just shaken up. (Remember to never ask the question "could it get any worse?")

Tomorrow is a big day though because Clara and Wilson are receiving another round of brain scans. At this point, the doctors will be looking to see how the blood is circulating through their heads. This is a very important test and we remain prayerful for the best possible results. We'll have more pictures and posts tomorrow about the progress the babies are making and hopefully will be able to relay more good news. Thank you for your continued love and support as we move into the second month and beyond.


  1. love the picture!!! praying for positive brain scans and your health. xoxo

  2. Reunited! So great. You guys take care of each other. Good thoughts coming your way with the upcoming scans. Call me anytime to talk. Prayers for you all.


  3. hope all went well today with the scans. so sorry about the accident! some day you will look back on this time and be so glad you are through it! praying for you all =)

  4. I have a convertible mercedes for sale. There isn't room for any car seats but if you have storage I can TOTALLY picture a pair of teenage twins sporting a retro benz circa 2037. OUCH I am old.

  5. 1 more comment (from a man, I'll let you guess who)
    me: McGarveys had great brain scan today
    him: that's worth a car wreck

  6. One of the most precious family photos I've ever seen. So sorry to hear about the wreck, but so glad neither of you were hurt seriously. Keeping you and your babies in my daily prayers.

  7. So glad you guys are ok! Gosh! You have been through so much lately.
    Prayers continue...

  8. Oh my gosh, So glad that ya'll are ok! Praying that you get many more sweet family photos like this with both of the kiddos together soon!
    Shelby and Wick
