Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jumpin' Jack Flash

In the last 48 hours three different nurses have described Wilson as an "acrobat." It started on Sunday when Wilson rolled over from his back to his side as one of the nurses was changing his bedding. (For Morgan's bachelor friends and brother who, like Morgan, don't know much about babies . . . rolling over is big deal and isn't supposed to happen yet - even on a full-term baby).  On Tuesday morning, Wilson somehow wiggled so far off his bed (which is really just a piece of malleable foam on top of another mattress) that his head and shoulders were resting on the plastic base of the isolette and his feet, supported by the bed, were straight up in the air! This morning, Wilson had squirmed off the bed again. He didn't go as far - his head and shoulders were off the bed but on the padding - but his feet were again sticking straight up in the air. The nurses have been using pieces of cloth to secure him in his isolette, but it was obvious they were no longer doing the job. So today, our little acrobatic escape artist got a bigger bed that we hope will better contain him. However, as long as Wilson doesn't hurt himself, these signs of restlessness are a good thing. The doctors and nurses agree that the spunky preemies do the the best in the NICU.

Amazingly, he escaped from this strap
Clara has always been described as "feisty," but her antics are less noteworthy than those of her brother. She has had a rougher journey (it was her amniotic sac that ruptured and she is the one who surprised us with a natural feet first delivery) and probably needs to reserve more strength for her fight to remain healthy. Clara received a blood transfusion on Monday and hasn't made a dramatic improvement, but her color looks better and she was doing well enough that Chris was able to hold her last night. We have no doubts that as she hears the stories about her brother, she will catch up in no time. And thus, the sibling rivalry begins.

Yes, this picture is over a week old, but we think it proves
Clara won't let Wilson steal all the thunder


  1. I love seeing pictures of Wilson and Clara together - so sweet! And that picture of the four of you guys at the bottom of the blog is perfect! Chris, I hope your hand is doing better (and that soon you are able to pump without Morgan's assistance!).

  2. These pictures are amazing! It is good to see them growing through this blog. Smiles and Blessings to all of you. I hope you find fiesty and spunky behaviors continue...:)

  3. The picture of the two of them is the best!! Soo sweet!

  4. are those her hands in his face? i love it!
