Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Past Due

Today is our due date.

Tomorrow Clara and Wilson will be 14 weeks old.

Those two sentences succinctly describe our first pregnancy; so much unexpected, but so much for which we are grateful. As with any anniversary or date of remembrance, our due date caused us to reflect on this journey. There is still some pain, but those wounds are being healed by the joy and relief of finally bringing our babies home. We will shortly reunite Clara and Wilson and have our first night together as a family. The joy in that seemingly simple accomplishment is immeasurable, regardless of what the future holds.

There is also relief in knowing we should no longer be pregnant. Especially early on, we grieved over losing our pregnancy. As of today, we can no longer harbor such thoughts. Now we can focus all of our attention on walking out of the hospital, bringing Clara and Wilson home, and starting a new kind of craziness. Thanks to prayer, love, support, and a little bit of luck, that is exactly what should happen in the next few days.

And it looks like Clara is coming still coming home on Saturday! We went to the hospital today and learned how to operate the heart rate/oxygen monitor and administer her breathing treatments. As long as nothing bad happens, we will pick Clara up around 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning and should bring her to the parade route (our driveway) by noon. We hope to see you all there. Please check the blog tomorrow and Saturday for updates.

Chris received training on how to connect
Clara's oxygen/heart rate monitor when she comes home

Our pregnancy isn't the only thing past due. We are also starting to get behind on writing thank you notes. We are embarrassed we have not done a better job staying on top of this and want you to know we plan to complete our thank you notes soon before Halloween by Christmas before Clara and Wilson are old enough to write the notes themselves. All kidding aside, we hope you accept our tardiness as further evidence of exactly how much we need and appreciate your generosity.

1 comment:

  1. you are so amazing! I love this blog and consider it to be quite a thank you note. Enjoy your time with your babies. We are sad to miss the parade, but hope you know what we were thinking of you and celebrating on Saturday for you. Zach has also learnered a lullaby on his recorder...so if you need a sweet tune, we will record it for you. :) Blessings to the McGarvey family - all under the same roof!
