Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm Baaaaaack!

Much to Morgan's dismay, I am back in town and have resumed residence in the guest room. That means I've also resumed control of the blog. YESSSSSS!

I've been here for approximately 20 hours and I don't even know where to start with this post. Probably because I'm so tired. So I think I will start with my scrolling internal monologue today.

  1. Holy cow these kids are so big! I mean I see them on FaceTime but they are little people!
  2. They are B.U.S.Y. DO THEY EVER STOP MOVING???
  3. Is it naptime yet?
  4. Is it too early to start drinking?
  5. Will drinking give me energy or make me more tired?
  6. Are they up from the nap already? 
  7. Don't they want to sleep longer? 
  8. How do CD and Morgan do this over. And over. And over. 
  9. How often do CD and Morgan have to clean? 
  10. I am so glad CD takes the time to give the kids whole foods and not crappy processed foods.
  11. I cannot believe, in the midst of everything else she has to do, CD made homemade play doh this morning. IS SHE SUPERWOMAN OR SOMETHING??
  12. Thank God for FaceTime. Today they saw Mimi, Uncle Dave, Mac, my aunt Cheryl, and my parents (Mama T and Clark).
  13. I can't believe CD and Morgan have two kids. This is crazy.
  14. Could Clara be any more beautiful? Those eyes and that smile!
  15. I still want Wilson's eyelashes and his big eyes! So handsome.
  16. This is like a small ship. If this were my ship, I would need a dozen seamen. Somehow they do it with the two of them + Michelle.
  17. Michelle must be exploding with patience and energy. God bless her.
  18. I can't believe I'm back here.
  19. I can't wait until it's time to go to bed.
  20. This is crazy awesome.

Ariel view of dinner tonight: spaghetti and broccoli

I'm off to bed,

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