Welcome to the Blog on Clara and Wilson McGarvey!

Clara's amniotic sac ruptured on June 7, 2011 when we were 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ten days later, Clara and Wilson were born. They have already enriched our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we wanted to share those experiences with our friends and family. So sit back and enjoy the read - they are full of excitment and surprises!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Q&A with Morgan

CT: Thank you for letting me ask you some questions, Morgan. Are you scared?
Morgan: CT, this is the dumbest thing we've ever done [as he walks out of the room]

CT: So you have two kids. They are twins. That is crazy.
Morgan: This really is the dumbest thing we've ever done.

CT: How do you feel about embarking on having two kids at home for two months?
Morgan: Are you still doing this interview?

CT: Every morning you do the 8 a.m. feeding and then you go to work. What do you think about when you are driving from the house to the office?
Morgan: How many more days until CT leaves?

CT: Some people may say you "get a break" when you go to work. What do you think about this?
Morgan: By "some people", do you mean you?

CT: From my perspective, I think having twins is the true definition of partnership in a marriage. I think you guys balance this very well.
Morgan: I haven't seen Chris in three months.

CT: What is your favorite part of the day with the kids?
Morgan: When they are sleeping. Just kidding...sort of.

CT: What is the biggest change in your life since the babies came home?
Morgan: What life?

CT: What do you miss - if anything - about your pre-baby life?
Morgan: I can't remember that life.

CT: What is your favorite baby invention?
Morgan: The pacifer. 

CT: Last night you said that Clara can't wear makeup until she is in high school. When will she be allowed to start dating?
Morgan: Whenever she wants. And I allow her to do so.

CT: Talk to me about how Chris handles all of this every single day.
Morgan: She's barely holding on.

CT: I think CD looks awesome. 
Morgan: Great.

CT: Can CD still come to Chi for girls weekends? I promise we won't get crazy.
Morgan: I have no idea where Chi is. But she is anything but shy.

CT: What if I told you that Chi is Chicago?
Morgan: What if I told you that I knew that the first time?

CT: Will you take a family trip to Chi in the next few years? I can child-proof my apartment. 
Morgan: Are you still asking questions? Yes.

CT: Where do you most want to take the kids when they get a bit older?
Morgan: To their grandparents' house.

CT: Thanks for putting up with me for a week. Sorry I always ask you so many questions.
Morgan: No you're not.

CT: When can I come back?
Morgan: I'm planning a guys trip in June.

CT: Now where would I find a headshot of you that I can post with this entry?
Morgan: [Blank stare] Unbelievably, that's the dumbest question you've asked in this interview. I keep all my headshots with my agent.

Morgan: Any more questions, CT?
CT: Is there anything else you'd like to add, Morgan?
Morgan: I hope you are able to type this interview in the sarcastica font. Things are actually going really well. Now I feel like I need to make fun of you again.

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