CT: Thank you for letting me ask you some questions, Morgan. Are you scared?
Morgan: CT, this is the dumbest thing we've ever done [as he walks out of the room]
CT: So you have two kids. They are twins. That is crazy.
Morgan: This really is the dumbest thing we've ever done.
CT: How do you feel about embarking on having two kids at home for two months?
Morgan: Are you still doing this interview?
CT: Every morning you do the 8 a.m. feeding and then you go to work. What do you think about when you are driving from the house to the office?
Morgan: How many more days until CT leaves?
CT: Some people may say you "get a break" when you go to work. What do you think about this?
Morgan: By "some people", do you mean you?
CT: From my perspective, I think having twins is the true definition of partnership in a marriage. I think you guys balance this very well.
Morgan: I haven't seen Chris in three months.
CT: What is your favorite part of the day with the kids?
Morgan: When they are sleeping. Just kidding...sort of.
CT: What is the biggest change in your life since the babies came home?
Morgan: What life?
CT: What do you miss - if anything - about your pre-baby life?
Morgan: I can't remember that life.
CT: What is your favorite baby invention?
Morgan: The pacifer.
CT: Last night you said that Clara can't wear makeup until she is in high school. When will she be allowed to start dating?
Morgan: Whenever she wants. And I allow her to do so.
CT: Talk to me about how Chris handles all of this every single day.
Morgan: She's barely holding on.
CT: I think CD looks awesome.
Morgan: Great.
CT: Can CD still come to Chi for girls weekends? I promise we won't get crazy.
Morgan: I have no idea where Chi is. But she is anything but shy.
CT: What if I told you that Chi is Chicago?
Morgan: What if I told you that I knew that the first time?
CT: Will you take a family trip to Chi in the next few years? I can child-proof my apartment.
Morgan: Are you still asking questions? Yes.
CT: Where do you most want to take the kids when they get a bit older?
Morgan: To their grandparents' house.
CT: Thanks for putting up with me for a week. Sorry I always ask you so many questions.
Morgan: No you're not.
CT: When can I come back?
Morgan: I'm planning a guys trip in June.
CT: Now where would I find a headshot of you that I can post with this entry?
Morgan: [Blank stare] Unbelievably, that's the dumbest question you've asked in this interview. I keep all my headshots with my agent.
Morgan: Any more questions, CT?
CT: Is there anything else you'd like to add, Morgan?
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